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Current Totals: 12498 plays, 5653 writers, 356 monologues

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How to get a copy of the play

We don't actually sell the plays in this database ourself, nor is the text of the play available from us!

We would like to be able to provide this service, but we're not publishers, and we don't have the rights to do this.

To get the play, or more information about the play, you need to go to the publisher's web site-- on the Details page for each play, there is a line marked "Publisher" that looks like this:

Publisher: Dramatists Play Service
Click on the publisher's name above for additional information, including updated prices.

Click on that link, and you will be taken to the publisher's web site, where you will hopefully land on their details page for the play, and be able to find out how to purchase the play, determine the royalties, etc.

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