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More about Little Red Riding Hood:

Little Red Riding Hood

Albert T. Viola
William S. Kilborne

Albert T. Viola

William S. Kilborne

"Little Red" is wondering why life isn't more exciting, while Granny shows up in search of the Wolf, who has stolen her ten-speed bicycle. Granny, who is a karate expert, has no fear of the Wolf, a most unusual creature who is Harvard educated (he wrote his thesis on Wolfgang Mozart), enjoys being evil and loves little children (on whole wheat toast). When Granny has an accident (she breaks her hand practicing karate on a brick), Little Red sets out to deliver dinner to her. She goes through the woods, where she encounters a variety of forest creatures including, of course, the Wolf, who discovers her destination and arrives at Granny's house before she does. He locks up Granny and lays a trap for Little Red. It appears that Little Red will become dinner for the Wolf, but the Woodsman arrives in time to save her. (Different adaptations of this story are available as a musical , a non-musical and for storyteller/participation theatre.) Little Red Riding Hood Just a Little Girl The History Lesson The Life of the Forest A Perfectly Wonderful Wolf

Play Details:
Genre(s): Childrens
Time Period(s): Not Available
Play Type: Musical
Runtime: 60 minutes
Acts: Not Available
Set Complexity: Not Available
Set Information: Not Available
Year First Published: Not Available
Total Characters: 22
Male Characters: Not Available
Female Characters: Not Available
Androgynous Characters:22
Minimum Cast: Not Available
Maximum Cast: Not Available
Cost: $4.75 Per Script ($60 Royalty First Performance, $40 Each Additional) Additional Materials: Piano/Conductor Score $15, Production/Rehearsal CD set $65.
Royalty/cost information prone to change.
Please check with the publisher for the most accurate information.
Publisher: Pioneer Drama Service
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