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More about The Merchandise King:

The Merchandise King

User Rating: 3.6 (1 votes)

Clyde  Hendrickson

In a spoof of Disney’s The Lion King, young Simba learns to rule the kingdom one mishap at a time. After his mother devours his best friend, an antelope, Simba begins a journey through the kingdom. While out and about, he learns how his future kingdom is being terribly exploited for merchandising and endorsement contracts. He is then falsely accused of his father’s death and sent into exile, where he meets to pot-head jungle creatures. He is eventually convinced by a crazy monkey and Steve Irwin to retake his kingdom from his evil uncle, who turns out to be General Ulysses S. Grant. After going through the ultimate test – puberty – Simba triumphs, only to be found in violation of contract by Walt Disney himself. William Shakespeare arrives to save the day, but in the end he too is powerless in the face of Disney’s merciless army of lawyers.

Play Details:
Genre(s): Comedy
Time Period(s): Post-Modern 1990 - present
Play Type: Play
Runtime: 15 minutes
Acts: 1
Set Complexity: Simple
Set Information: Not Available
Year First Published: 2001
Total Characters: 14
Male Characters: 7
Female Characters: 1
Androgynous Characters:6
Minimum Cast: 14
Maximum Cast: 17
Cost: Not Available
Publisher: Mushroom Cloud Press
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ISBN: 0967955211
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